Ministries, local authorities, statistical offices, urban planning agencies, health laboratories and organizations, etc.: Géoclip attracts many and varied public and private structures working in all fields of activities.

Géoclip meets the needs of geo-observation, geo-analysis, geo-reporting and communication needs; Géoclip inherits our know-how in the fields of statistical processing, cartographic rendering and graphic semiology. Experts from all cultures and backgrounds have joined Business Geografic and enriched our software product over the years; our customers and users also contribute to influencing our Géoclip product developments.

Discover below a short selection of Géoclip client observatories; you will find more customer references on our Géoclip dedicated website.  


business geografic geoclip sante publique france geodes


Santé publique France
 is the national public health agency in France. Its vocation is to watch, monitor, prevent, alert and act on multiple topics related to public health in France. Informing the general public is one of its missions; the agency relies for this on Géodes, its geostatistical observatory based on Géoclip that gathers hundreds of health monitoring indicators related to the French territory.

March 2020: France and many other countries enter a global health crisis linked to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. As part of its information missions, Santé publique France began releasing data related to this crisis as early as March 18, 2020 via its Géodes geostatistical observatory based on Géoclip.

Since then, countless political leaders, healthcare professionals, local and regional economic players, business leaders, journalists, citizens, etc. have been observing, analyzing and communicating on the data gathered within the Géodes geostatistical observatory. 

Géodes is a reporting and communication tool for Santé publique France, who releases a daily epidemiological report including many and varied geostatistical indicators related to public health in France. 

"Géodes includes 80+ indicators related to Covid-19. We've chosen to disseminate the whole existing data as it becomes available; for public service and transparency considerations, we have decided that all of our indicators will be available to everyone", explains Étienne Lucas, Scientific Research Officer at Santé publique France and Administrator of the Géodes observatory.