Ready, set, go! Business Geografic sponsors Qonnections 2013, QlikView’s global partner summit. What will you discover? GeoQlik new features to be released
GeoQlik meets exponential success on all continents, thanks to its constantly expanding features. GeoQlik V11.7, to be presented at Qonnections 2013, comes with brand new features:
- Open up your world - From V11.6.1.4, GeoQlik now connects to Esri ArcSDE spatial databases on top of all normalized GIS formats, and remains the only true mapping component for QlikView.
- Process your data the easy way - GeoQlik V11.7 not only manages XY coordinates, but also the automatic geocoding of addresses contained in any QlikView document.
- Discover new display modes - GeoQlik V11.7 comes with flow maps and enhanced heat maps; GeoQlik's simplicity and interactivity remain intact!
> Learn more about GeoQlik V11 features
Qonnect with GeoQlik!
Business Geografic, Qonnect Sponsor of Qonnections 2013, will present GeoQlik V11.7 new features at Qonnections 2013. Join our Reseller Partner Network! Visit GeoQlik's Qonnect Sponsor booth to attend a demo and pick up your partner kit.
So... see you at Qonnections?
> Register for Qonnections 2013 (07-10 April 2013, The Bahamas)